Joy in the journey!

Joy in the journey!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Love wins!

A few years ago, I asked the Lord to open doors for me in the area of getting to know my neighbors better.  We have lived in the same home for 10 years, yet hardly knew anyone in our neighborhood.  Isn’t it funny how that happens?   It was through that prayer that I began to meet and hear magnificent stories of those who lived around me.  Beautiful friendships were born.  Then it went further.  I began to meet amazing people wherever I went.  I heard stories that brought tears to my eyes, stories that made my heart leap with joy, stories that helped me pray more diligently for others, stories that made me thankful.  I learned that behind every person is an amazing story.  I learned that the people often judged the most by others, for a variety of reasons, truly have the most wonderful stories of all.  Nobody really stopped to listen to them.  They were too busy judging them, laughing at them, and passing them by.  What beauty I have found, what amazing friendships have been made!  What lessons I have learned!  What miracles I have seen!  What open doors the Lord has opened!
When I thanked the Lord for answering my prayer by opening doors, I heard Him say to my heart, “Lisa, that open door was you looking....they were there all the time, you just didn’t see them.”  Wow.  How many things has God had in my path all along that I have missed because I was so focused on my day, my things, my life.  It’s amazing what happens when we just look for opportunites to be a blessing to others. What blessings await when we choose to love and not judge.  Miracles are waiting at every turn. 

Yesterday my miracle was a precious man in the grocery story, who had a beautiful story.  Others were laughing at his overalls as he sat alone by the window.  I adored those overalls (he called them his bib).  They were chicken overalls, and yes....they had quite a story.   He had such a wonderful sense of humor and was so joyful!  He blessed my heart with the story of his overalls. I told him about my chicken suit and he loved it! We had the best conversation.  He thanked me for talking to him and said he hadn’t laughed that hard since he could remember.   As I left that day I was so thankful for yet another amazing friend and another incredible story.  And I was thankful I didn’t miss the opportunity to hear it.  It truly is life changing.

I want to challenge you to try it!  Just spend a day looking for opportunities to be a blessing.  Spend the day listening.  I promise you, miracles will pop out from every corner.  And what is neat about the journey is the biggest miracles begin within our hearts when we choose to love.   Healing happens!  Transformation begins!  Old negative mindsets dissolve!  Anger begins to fade!  Walls come down!  It’s just so neat!  Love wins every single just does!  Have fun on the journey!  See you there!  

Love on my friends....Love on! 

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